This time of the year can often seem to revolve around gifts, and by gifts I mean presents, gloriously wrapped in boxes with expensive cards and ribbon.
Yet the paradox is that as Christians, we celebrate the birth of one who was laid in a manger, whose parents had to travel by donkey and had no place to stay once they arrived in Bethlehem.
There is enormous pressure to give at this time of year, and particularly for families with kids, a high expectation of receiving.
It’s worth noting, however, that the gifts we most remember are not necessarily the Barbie doll we received at age seven or the iPod we received at 13.
We are more likely to remember the family member who travelled to see us on Christmas day or the crocheted towel from our grandmother.

We chose the theme of gift to refocus our celebration of this season, and to celebrate the gifts we receive daily. In the Examen prayer, we go through the day, and start by thanking God for the blessings, for the gift of another day.
There is a beautiful scripture in Mark’s Gospel that talks about the poor widow who gives a tiny amount, but gives out of her poverty. The gift she gives is all she has. Most of us give out of abundance. Perhaps we make out our yearly cheque to St Vincent de Paul for the winter appeal, or we donate our old clothes to charity.
Our gifts mean more when they are given out of our poverty.
Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ was superior general of the Jesuits last century. He used to tell the story of visiting a Latin American slum, and meeting an old man who had nothing to give. But the man, nonetheless, invited Fr Arrupe to come with him to his house.
‘Come with me and I will share something precious with you.’
They walked a distance, climbed a hill, and the poor man said, ‘Sit here and I will show you the sunset!’
Sitting there on the hill and beholding the sunset, Fr Arrupe found himself deeply touched.
What are some of the ways we can give out of our poverty? In reflecting on our lives, what have been the greatest gifts? While it might be nice to receive new clothes or books, the greatest gifts have been the gifts of love.