Do you love me? Feed my sheep John 21:17 Pope Francis knew what he was doing when he took the name of one of the Church's most venerated saints. As we near the end of the Year of Consecrated Life, and as the Church embarks on the Synod of the Family, a phrase from St Francis can shed light on why Pope Francis has chosen to focus on these aspects of our lives at this time: 'Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.'
Consecrated life and family life both provide places where we can give of ourselves to help others flourish. Both begin with a letting go of the self, an understanding that we must be better people in order to help others be better. We do this out of love: of each other, and of Jesus. How many of us see the lives we lead as a path to sainthood? How many of us embrace our roles as examples to others in becoming saints? This year, whether we are consecrated religious, parents or other people of faith, let us consider how we can all be better shepherds for Christ's Church.